In response to the COVID-19 outbreak Food Defend has put together safe interventions with no residue for our food process customers and their needs, for all areas of their facilities. Food Defend offers multiple interventions that are FDA and EPA Approved.

Over the last 6 years Food Defend has managed to:

    • Increase agriculture food safety
    • Increase sustainability and add peace of mind to the food world

FruitGard® is a dry product that can be easily used to sanitize fruits and vegetables while in storage either in refrigeration or on the shelves (FCN 000949).

Food Defend also offers other products that are defined to remove airborne bacteria, viruses and mold spores by simply adding them to the air supply, in your facility. Our products designed to scrub air and reduce environmental issues of airborne contaminants have been widely accepted by many USDA and FDA food processors nationwide.

Product is readily available and user friendly.

For more information contact:
Dave Paulshock