
FruitGard® delivers broad-spectrum activity against primary decay pathogens that cause Pythium Leak, Bacterial Soft Rot, Late Blight, Fusarium dry rot, and Silver Scurf. FruitGard is also effective against secondary bacterial soft rot “hot spots” that can cause significant breakdown in piled tubers. It is effective in both curative or preventative treatment strategies.

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FruitGard® tomato intervention technology is effective in ripening, storage, transportation and processing environments. FruitGard is an EPA approved as an antimicrobial and provides effective and safe reduction of fruit decay organisms.

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FruitGard® FruitGard is a new, unique tool for the cantaloupe industry because it is a gaseous product that penetrates into boxes and bins. FruitGard is produced in a controlled release reaction which is scalable, simple and cost effective. FruitGard seeks out lesions, wounds and natural openings to eradicate fungi and bacteria that cause rots.

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Check back soon for the coming breakthrough in onion decay control

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